The need
Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts), needed to replace exterior signage, produce convocation materials, new recruitment collateral, and rebrand campaign items along with a new signage program for the entire school.
the project
Creative direction
Graphic design
On-going support
The Challenge
There were lots of cooks in the kitchen collaborating with internal teams, writing, digital, design and production freelancers to execute on Will’s creative vision for the brand. Various projects, timelines, and sets of materials required different teams on each with a strong project management component throughout.
The Solution
Specific team members skillsets were utilized for each tactic and Will’s visual language document was referenced throughout all projects to ensure the original vision for the brand was achieved.
The Results
Working with smaller teams of freelancers, while utilizing internal teams and assets kept the cost lower than working a full agency. This allowed AUArts to deliver multiple projects quickly and to bring in specific talents based on the job requirements.